Wellness Matters Webinar — Music and Mental Wellness

A large number of individuals have some relationship with music. Perhaps you currently sing or play an instrument, or have enjoyed a live concert in the past. Maybe you remember dancing to your favourite bands in highschool. Even if your only connection with music is your daily routine of singing in the shower, music plays some role in your life.

New scientific studies are showing that our experience with music has a tremendous impact on the brain. But does music actually have the power to heal? In this webinar, Sara explores the ways in which music - both listening and participating - can influence our mental wellness and how music can facilitate emotional regulation and overall mental wellness.

Facilitator: Sara Brooks

for more information about counselling services,
or to schedule a session:

Call: 780-460-0022
Text: 780-460-0022

appointments available:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 9:00pm
Sat & Sun: 9:00am - 5:00pm