Wellness Matters Webinar — Nurturing Resiliency Through Creative Expression

In this webinar, Julie Ketel explores the relationship between creative expression and human resilience. Learn more about establishing your own creative practice to deal with the challenges and setbacks that life has to offer.

In this Wellness Talk, participants will:

Review historical and cultural connections between creativity and wellbeing

Receive a brief overview of the field of art therapy

Dive deeper into the concept of resiliency, why it is so important, and what is required to nurture it

Receive practical creative strategies to practice nurturing their own resiliency from the comfort of their own homes

Facilitator: Julie Ketel

for more information about counselling services,
or to schedule a session:

Call: 780-460-0022
Text: 780-460-0022

appointments available:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 9:00pm
Sat & Sun: 9:00am - 5:00pm